Monthly QUIZ April 2003
Designed by; O. Zargari , MD Razi Hospital, Rasht, Iran
A 65-year-old woman presented with non-tender tumoral lesions on her face. She stated that the first lesion appeared on her lower face since about one year ago and progressively became larger. Physical examination revealed two tumoral mass on her face, the largest with a diameter about 3.5 cm. There was also multiple erythematous plaques over her trunk. The patient was afebrile and denied any significant medical problem. Routine laboratory examinations was normal. A skin biopsy revealed large masses of atypical cells with mitotic figures occupying extensive areas of dermis... What's your diagnosis? |
Dx: Mycosis Fungoides (MF) Mycosis Fungoides is a condition characterized by the infiltration of the skin with plaques and nodules composed of T-lymphocytes. Clinically and histologically, MF in typical cases can be devided into three stages: erythematous, plaque, and tumor.The tumeur d'emblee is a form of MF in which large nodules appears without the prior presence of typical plaques of the disease. |