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Cases 1 to 10 Cases 11 to 20 Cases 21 to 30 Cases 31 to 40

Cases 11 to 20


Case 11: A 67 yrs old woman presented with one month history of red papular lesions with an adherent scale on her trunk and extremities. Past medical history was remarkable just for mild hypertension and nephrolithiasis. Skin biopsy revealed focal parakeratosis, focal spongiosis, perivascular lymphocytic infiltration and extravasated erythrocytes.


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Case 12: A 40 yrs old man presented with pruritic violaceous plaques on his distal extremities since a few months ago and blistering on some of the lesions since a few days before.

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Case 13: Pruritic plaque on the forearm of a 19-yrs old man since a few weeks ago. What's your first Dx?


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Case 14: A 27 years old man presented with ulcerative lesions on his foot since 2 months before. He had no pain or tenderness and in physical examination there was a few similar lesions on his hand. What's your diagnosis?

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Case 15: A 55 years old woman presented with persistent pruritic papules on the legs, lower back and abdomen since a long time ago. Otherwise she was normal. A skin biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. What's your diagnosis?


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Case 16: Vesiculobullous lesions in a 60-yrs- old woman confined to her Rt. upper extremity and associated with severe pain since a few days before admission. The diagnosis is?!

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Case 17: A newborn with characteristic facial appearance and severe ectropion and eclabium. What is your diagnosis?

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Case 18: A 18 yrs old man presented with a congenital pigmented lesion on his neck. The diagnosis is?

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Case 19: A 50 yrs old man presented with a rapidly growing tumor on the dorsal aspect of his left hand. The tumor was radially symmetric and its center covered by a crust. A skin biopsy confirmed the diagnosis which was?!

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Case 20: A 9-yr-old girl presented with a recurrent pruritic eruption on her face, trunk and extremities. The eruption began since neonatal period and she had several exacerbations during this time, although the frequency of the blistering attacks diminished with increasing age. Physical examinations revealed widespread bullous lesions on her face and lower extremities (Figures 1&2). The patient's medical history was unremarkable and routine laboratory examination was also normal. The skin biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. What is your diagnosis ?

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